Envision > Collaborate > Design > Construct
Our team has had great success conducting interactive visioning sessions as the first step in a project to brainstorm foundational objectives and aspirations, set parameters for how the organization’s mission can be elevated, and identify measurements for success. In addition to collecting critical information, we have found these sessions to be wonderful forums to begin a cooperative process and ingratiate a sense of excitement and ownership to all participants.

A successful facility project is one that establishes an intense and sustained collaboration between the design team and all those that will occupy, operate, and fund the new facility. One of our first steps in every project is to identify the stakeholder team and determine how they are best engaged – be it workshops, small group sessions, or one-one interviews – and then customize a process to accomplish it.

KCBA uses a variety of tools to communicate design concepts and facilitate an informed dialogue with our clients. Photorealistic renderings, fly-through video animations, and immersive 360 degree views are just some of the media we use to further our partners’ understanding of their new or renovated facility, generate excitement, and contribute to the project publicity effort.

All projects at KCBA are documented in Building Information Modeling software which provides efficiencies in project coordination. Through our collaborative process and use of advanced tools, upon entering completed buildings many of our clients have remarked that they feel like they’re visiting a familiar place where they’ve been many times!