Indian Valley Public Library
Telford, PA
Feasibility Study
An important hub of local community life, KCBA is honored to partner with Indian Valley Public Library (IVPL) to explore a number of long-term scenarios to enhance their facility. KCBA first worked with this group in 2000 to implement a major renovation project and we are excited to renew this collaboration.
Since 1981, IVPL has been housed in a converted former elementary school structure. This facility presents a number of spatial, environmental, technological, and security challenges in operating a 21st century library program.
After completing an institutional strategic plan, the library commissioned KCBA to develop a long-term facility master plan. This effort includes an architectural/engineering evaluation of existing conditions, development of a spatial program in collaboration with the library board and administration, exploration of a range of facility upgrade options, production of preliminary project cost estimates, and a public presentation of findings.
After developing a series of long-term options including renovation alternatives as well as construction of a new building on their existing site or a new site, the library chose a comprehensive renovation/expansion scenario for further study and implementation planning. Via a complete reconfiguration of existing spaces and a major addition, the scheme will enhance overall circulation and building security, modernize the interior environment, add a range of large and small meeting and activity spaces, and establish a new main entry and visual identity for the facility.
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